Just in time for HPL’s 134th Birthday

Today marks the birthday of of the ‘old gent’ from Providence, which has become a kind of annual day when all things Squamous, Polyphemous, Non-Euclidean, and Nascent … can be celebrated. It’s kind of great there is a day for all of those things (else when would they get recognized).

Anyway, for our own small celebration of all things HPL, we have chosen to released another all-new Cthulhu Eternal scenario PDF, this one using the Cold War SRD.

Jo Kreil’s awesome “Fathoms Below” is a scenario which revolves around a 1960s Cold War expedition to find lost Atlantis … as well as a homage to a certain tale about a temple. Blending investigation with exploration-y goodness, it offers a nice SAN-blasting opportunity for sending Protagonists out into places that no sane human should ever go. But does that ever stop them?

What do old-school espionage intrigue and the Great Old Ones have in common …? Everyone plays for the long game … it’s just sometimes with the GOOs it’s a REALLY long game.

The scenario (and a bunch of extra info about it) is available over on DTRPG. If you’re feeling like diving into some sub-aqueous horrors at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean on this special day of Lovecraftian celebration … it might be just the thing you were looking for :).

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