This page collects together resources for Classical Era Cthulhu Eternal that have been written by Community Creators and made available for others to re-use.
All contents are distributed under the Open Gaming License, with 100% of the page contents (excluding the name “Cthulhu Eternal” and the distinctive Cthulhu Eternal logo) are considered Open Content under that license.
The Cthulhu Eternal Classical Era SRD has a selection of Protagonist Archetypes that cover common types of characters that appear in Lovecraftian stories. Of course those ten or so character types won’t cover everything that a player might dream up for a Protagonist concept … that’s why the SRD also has a section describing how to build new Archetype templates. Collected below are some new war era Archetypes that community members have built.
New Archetypes built by community members will go here.
Sometimes you just want to quickly grab a Protagonist for an impromptu game of Cthulhu Eternal, rather than go through the process of designing your own customized character. Alternatively, it’s sometimes handy to look at previous Protagonists for inspiration when making your own. Either way, the resources below give you some ready-to-play characters for your Medieval games of Cthulhu Eternal.
New Archetypes built by community members will go here.
An Open Gaming License (OGL) Table Top Roleplaying Game.
Built by a community of gamers, motivated not by profit but by the desire to spread visions of cosmic horror to anyone brave enough to imagine.
Our community survives and grows through sharing original game content. We would love to receive your submission, no matter how big or small!
Submission E-mail: submissions [at]