A Milestone: 5,000 copies of Cthulhu Eternal

Five months ago (to the very day, in fact) we unleashed the first batch of our OGL System Reference Documents for the Cthulhu Eternal RPG. Little did we think that just a short time later we would be announcing that 5,000 copies of Cthulhu Eternal SRDs have been sold (counting those originals and the additional era that we released later).
We are incredibly thankful to everyone who has grabbed some or all of those PDFs … and even more grateful to people who have used them to power their own game sessions, or who are already hard at work strip-mining our rules to become part of new games of their own creation. We created Cthulhu Eternal from the outset to be a community resource … and the fact that it has spread far and wide, and so quickly, really does warm the cockles of our Eldritch hearts.
While DTRPG is set up in a way that means free and Pay-What-You-Want products seldom get “Best Seller” metal allocated to them … if we were able to earn such titles for our SRDs based on sales numbers, here’s how they’d look:

Thanks to everyone for your support … Go forth and create. You know it’s what Great Cthulhu wants!