Released: Old-School Scenarios by Kevin Ross

Cthulhu Reborn has today released another PDF scenario supplement for the Cthulhu Eternal RPG, this time a “Lost Masterpiece” — two scenarios written by industry-titan Kevin Ross in the 1980s, but never before published.
“Dark Visitations” collects two adventures, each a short standalone investigation, both showcasing the Mi-Go (Fungi from Yuggoth). It is available right now on DriveThruRPG.
In “A Night on Bald Mountain” (actually the very first Lovecraftian adventure Kevin ever wrote), the action revolves around a missing relative of one of the protagonists. Has the reclusive Uncle Ben simply abandoned his rural farmhouse … or is his disappearance something to do with old stories of dark sorceries? Or visitors from beyond the human sphere? Or both?
“Reclamation Project” is set in a major university (it could be Miskatonic U, or something that works better in your campaign). A weird and secretive project has been launched in the basement of the Med building, drawing in some of the shrewdest minds from several faculties. What are they so intrigued by? And does it relate in any way with the sudden rise in break-in attempts and prowlers reported around campus at night?
Both scenarios have a decidedly “Old School” vibe to them, their basic structure unchanged from the original 1980s text. We have brushed up the statistics and rules to make them fully compatible with either the Jazz Age or Modern Day versions of Cthulhu Eternal.
Dive into the past and go head-to-head with the Mi-Go … but be warned, those Fungi are mean buggers.