The Open Mythos … Downloadable SRD

The Open Mythos … Downloadable SRD

We must confess we have been a little overwhelmed by all the positive support that’s been directed at our free/open...

Released Today: The Bitter Jungle for Cthulhu Eternal

Released Today: The Bitter Jungle for Cthulhu Eternal

It’s no secret that we are constantly working away at bringing out new and intriguing Lovecraftian games and scenarios using...

The Open Mythos: A Free/Open Resource for TTRPGs

The Open Mythos: A Free/Open Resource for TTRPGs

Today is an exciting day … especially if you are a creative game designer who has ever dreamed of unleashing...

World War II SRD Released Today!

World War II SRD Released Today!

It’s hard to believe that it’s just over a year ago that we first unleashed Cthulhu Eternal, our free/open D100...

Cthulhu Eternal and the OGL (Fiasco)

We are obviously closely watching the situation with the OGL 1.0a status and also statements made by Arc Dream. For...

2022: The Year of Cthulhu Eternal

2022: The Year of Cthulhu Eternal

This year has been an amazing year for Cthulhu Reborn. We have released more content in 2022 than any previous...

Wanna Be Re-Animated (By Cthulhu Eternal)?

Wanna Be Re-Animated (By Cthulhu Eternal)?

Ever since we released the first Cthulhu Eternal SRDs, people have been asking us how they can publish their own...

Cthulhu Eternal: This is how we Roll20

Cthulhu Eternal: This is how we Roll20

Lots of folks have been asking for ages that we make it easier for people to play Cthulhu Eternal using...

A New Era for Cthulhu Eternal: Age of Revolutions

A New Era for Cthulhu Eternal: Age of Revolutions

Today we are proud to announce the release of another in our expanding range of customized versions of the Cthulhu...

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