The Open Mythos … Downloadable SRD

We must confess we have been a little overwhelmed by all the positive support that’s been directed at our free/open collection of Cthulhu Mythos entities, rituals, artifacts … all derived from 100% public domain works by Lovecraft.
In fact we have received only one criticism about the Open Mythos — many people want to have it as a downloadable resource. Sounds like a great idea to us … and hence was born the “Open Cthulhu Mythos SRD”, a compilation of all the stats and descriptions that were Lovecraft-inspired.
The SRD was released today and it’s a Pay-What-You-Want title on DriveThruRPG.
While this version is text only, don’t forget that the Mythos illustrations and other artwork on the Cthulhu Eternal website is also published under an open license (in particular a Creative Commons license), so you are more than welcome to reuse any of those pieces as long as you credit the original illustrator.
We hope that by making game stats freely available for a wealth of Lovecraft creations we can provide a platform on which other creative folks (and I’m sure you’re one of them!) can make awesome new scenarios/campaigns/games.